What my clients are saying…

Dora, I want to thank you so much for all your advice and input in helping me through my menopausal symptoms and my underactive thyroid problem. I am very happy to say that after following your specially made diet and exercise plan for me I have come off all my medication! My hormones have levelled out, I recently had a blood test to make sure everything was ok and the results were great! Everything is in balance now. No more HRT and no more Thyroid medication. This is all due to a change of lifestyle and diet all through your help and advice. I obviously phased out my medication gently and introduced the plan and got very good results! I have recommended you to friends and family and I’m sure I will to many more.


Dora is an amazing professional and unique human being, she's really a delight to work with! She has helped me a lot during my pregnancy - since making a tailored nutritional program to keep my body at its optimum to several Reiki sessions that were really important during the difficult first weeks I had. My doctor didn't believe my baby would make it so amongst other things I did many healing sessions with Dora that really put my heart on easy and I believe it has helped my baby to grow strong. She would say after our sessions: 'I can feel her, she is fine' and she was! I think Dora combines her professional background with a great sensorial, spiritual knowledge that makes her really unique. It's like she can sense us and understand our soul. 
